The kid that did lost
Once the friendly one who enjoyed company of all, now all he does is scrawl.
Gulping down pints of liquor was one of the best things now he cared for
and thinking about his future was one of the few things he was scared of.
Music as his only companion
and sometimes a cigarette in his hand
feels lost among crowd of humans
yet alone he does stand.
Autopsies of chopper crash victims to be conducted today

In past he loved making friends
but all I can see now is enjoying him on his own
not any concern for anyone
people often took his heart for stone.
He'd lie under the pleasant sky filled with stars
he'd create clouds of smoke, just in a hope that it would tend his scars.
His moods swung like the pendulum of a clock, to and fro
and his so called short tempered did grow.
Sometimes as he laid down on his bed
some cheerful memories of his played back in his head
and just like that some drops would fall from his eyes
and he wondered
did that little kid inside him die?
People came, people went but he, he remained.