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The Week

To play or not to play

The Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to ban deusi-bhailo program during Tihar after 10 pm. This decision has had its share of both criticism and applause. The Week spoke to some people to know how they feel about this move on the government’s part.
By The Week Bureau

The Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to ban deusi-bhailo program during Tihar after 10 pm. This decision has had its share of both criticism and applause. The Week spoke to some people to know how they feel about this move on the government’s part. 

Daya Hyang Rai

The ban on deusi-bhailo after ten seems rational to me because we have to keep in mind the safety and security factor too. In the recent times, there have been many malpractices in the name of culture and tradition that have resulted in fights and accidents so this decision, I feel, has been made keeping that in mind. However, I also feel this could prove to be a hindrance to Tihar celebrations and curb it short. We should have been aware of our actions and not pushed the government to make a decision like this. 

Mahesh Raj Sitaula

Back in our times, deusi-bhailo had special meaning because of their cultural significance. The beauty of the folk songs and instruments created an atmosphere of festive glory. But now, with the passage of time and advancement in cultural pattern it has brought about, it is just about mere enjoyment. In such a scenario, the need for rules is very important. People shouldn’t be allowed to disturb others as they go on with the celebrations for the sake of celebrations. The ban on deusi-bhailo after 10 will ensure that the festival doesn’t result in chaos and disturbances. 

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Priti Adhikari

I think our metropolitan police department is doing a really fine job these days. With regulations on drunk driving and enforcement of other traffic rules, there’s a lot more discipline in Kathmandu. I believe the ban on deusi-bhailo after ten, in a city that otherwise sleeps at eight, is not a bad call. After all, although Tihar is a festival celebrated by majority of people in Nepal, there are equally many who may not necessarily enjoy the deusi-bhailo part of the festivities. This decision will ensure peace and safety on the streets at nighttime. 


Merisha Rai

This decision, I believe, has been made to lessen thefts and accidents. And it’s a commendable effort on the part of the police because this increases their workload during the festivities. However, personally I think the ban could have been extended to 11 pm instead of 10 pm because 10 is a bit too early. The festival comes once a year and people want to have some fun. They should be allowed to do so without worrying about the time constraint. When the rule isn’t very strict and people don’t feel harried by it, its implementation becomes easier. 

Arya Kharel

Development is only achieved by a two way effort which includes the combined and conscious effort of the authorities and the civilians. Hence the decision of government to ban deusi-bhailo program after 10 p.m. has to be considered a good decision as it has been taken to keeping the present scenario of the country in mind and is issued as a measure to maintain safety and order. It is directly and indirectly concerned with people’s happiness as it guarantees the security of all family members so that they are safe and sound. On the other hand, it still lets us enjoy the festivals to the fullest by celebrating it in the traditional way and preserving our culture.

Karan Shakya

Deusi-bhailo is a tradition and by putting a time limit on it, they are trying to cut it short. This will definitely not go down well with some people. First of all, people don’t like to be kept under “control”. People consider Tihar as a way to get away from their everyday work stress. Unfortunately now, it has to end before 10 pm. People may also feel restricted because of which this tradition might get discontinued like the fading funs of festivals like Holi. On the other hand, this decision might actually be helpful to those who prefer a goodnight’s sleep to festive lights and celebrations. 

Saurya Rana

I’m completely against this decision as I feel the restrictions are only going to bring more negative response than positive ones. I feel that there are pros and cons when it comes to everything. Just based on a few problems here and there, I don’t think that the government should meddle in every tradition and ruin the fun. I mean even it’s for a good reason; homes are going to be safer and the neighborhood shall be more serene in the night time, still it’s not every day that we celebrate Tihar and deusi-bhailo, is it? What’s Tihar without the joyous chatter, and heart-warming music during cold nights? 

Prashanna Bajracharya

I absolutely disapprove of this decision. If we don’t have fun in Tihar, when are we ever able to celebrate these traditions? It’s a culture that has been being followed for hundreds of years. It’s not a matter of decades but history itself. I don’t think that the government is doing right by altering or putting a change in what has always been followed. I think that we should protect our traditions and cherish the good memories. And putting a time limit on deusi-bhailo will only dampen the fun. I believe this decision has also hurt the sentiments of the public.

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