Trailer of upcoming Nepali film ‘Love Station’ released on Tuesday via official YouTube channel of Budha Subba Digital Pvt Ltd. Ujwal Ghimire directed film is a complete package of love, romance, comedy and action. The film features Pradeep Khadka and Jassita Gurung as a lead character.
Ghimire stated that a majority of viewers of the film are expected to be youngsters. “This film is targeted to our young viewers. Due to the proper coordination of lead characters and the entire crew, it was convenient to work together and I am proud to be an integral part of the film.” Actor Khadka also expressed his gratitude to have worked with senior director, Ghimire.
'Summer Love' trailer launched
Made under the banner of Krishu Shahi (Kafiya), the film is produced and presented by Kabir Bikram Shahi and Gobinda Shahi respectively. Apart from lead characters the film has featured various well known faces of Nepali film fraternity including Ramesh Budhathoki, Siru Bista, Rabi Dangol, Priya Rizal, Prakash Shah, Kalu Rana, Dinesh Kafle, Rashmi Pandey, Rishu Kharel and Jwalanta Gautam.