KATHMANDU, Jan 16: The government has the goal of expanding the access to treatment services for non-communicable diseases to reduce the social and economic cost due to these diseases. The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) has implemented the multi-sector action plan and strategy to that end.
It is stated that the number of people suffering from cardiac, paralysis, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, asthma and the like has been increasing in recent days.
Health Secretary Dr Roshan Pokharel shared this information in a meeting of the National Assembly, National Concern and Coordination Committee here today. He said the government has kept in priority the effective prevention and treatment through primary health care services to the extent possible through available resources.
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The strategy aims to bring uniformity in treatment of non-communicable diseases and promote timely diagnosis, advice on prevention and control, maintain coordination among the health institutions, schools and community and bring about equitable access in health services and enhance their efficiency.
World Health Organization (WHO) member nations have the objective of decreasing the death at an early age due to non-communicable diseases by 25 percent until 2025. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) also aims to reduce the death caused by non-communicable diseases by one-third. The member countries have charted out the roadmap for achieving this goal through various strategic action plans and approaches.
Taking this aspect into consideration, Nepal too has brought forth various policy level and strategic action plans for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.
Ministry's another secretary Dev Kumari Guragain said there is a need of conducting a wider publicity about the health treatment services and facilities provided by the State as many people are not still aware about them. She said the State should give its attention to the maximum utilization of the available human resources and the medical infrastructures.
Committee president Dil Kumari Thapa gave assurances that the committee is always ready to remove any obstacles in the course of implementing the government's policies regarding providing accessible health care services.