Do you believe in karma? Do you believe what you put across the world comes back to you? How about this statement: “ Your action towards others, affect the reaction of others on you in future.”
It could be some good that you have done to a stranger whom you are never going to meet and the similar situation comes around where you are at the receiving end. What about the relation between past lives and the deeds done? Does the act carry on in this life too? How far can you relate to this? There are ample of books on this matter and the most famous being ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ by Dr Brian Weiss. These are not difficult theories, it is just about how you consider and perceive life.
Some of us who have experienced or have had incidents where the universe has gifted us the same situation that we have been in as a giver is quite mesmerizing. We all accept how karma works, but once we have had a story that can be shared, it becomes exciting.
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This episode starts as I met a stranger and gave her a lift in my car. As I got lost in the narrow lane while coming back from work, dominantly because of the road diversion which led me to a place I fairly remembered. I followed my intuition and ended on the wrong path. Since I had to figure the way out, I asked a girl-neatly dressed in her school uniform, for directions. I told her the nearest landmark; a government school. She was delighted as she studied at that very school. I then asked her to sit in the car and get ready for the drive. It was a win-win Situation. She could show me the way out and I could drop her to school. Both our missions would be accomplished. She was surprised on the ride ending at a stretch of 5 minutes. As we reached the destination, the look in her eyes was captivating as she had never sat on a car before.
There goes another interesting moment when I was going to give my professional exams, and I got caught in one of the strikes, I had no other option but to walk towards my exam center which would take me more than 20 minutes. The clock was running fast and half an hour was left for the papers to begin.
I was running around the shortcuts to reach as there were no four wheeler plying. Some bikes were running, but I could not call my friends on such short notice. So I took a lift from a lady who was riding. Since the tradition of asking and giving lifts is less prominent in Nepal, the lady asked me many questions, analyzed the situation properly, thought on what I was speaking, read my actions well, and finally agreed on giving me a ride. After conversing for some time we secured a common ground. We realized we had some friends in common. So that’s what I am talking about. It’s all about karma: - What went around came around! It might not happen sooner, but will come back in some or the other way.
Have you ever been in a similar circumstance? Any karma stories? The next line is described beautifully: “We are bound to others, past and present, and by each misdeed and every kindness, we birth our future.” What do you think?