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What the top colleges are offering to their potential students

With the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) results published recently, students as well as their parents are in...

With the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) results published recently, students as well as their parents are in a dilemma on choosing the right school and subject for higher studies. While the students usually pick a school and the subjects of their choice based on their SEE results, there are many who later on regret their decision. Not every school is good just because it is in the city areas.

Those schools which launch extensive marketing campaigns to pull more students, at times, disappoint the students. Some of these schools provide highly commercialized education in the name of quality. Many a times, schools whose fees are much lower compared to the so-called big schools tend to be successful in bringing out the best of their students. As students select their school based on its past performances and the facilities it offers, Republica talked with some of the renowned schools in town to find out what they can offer to their students.

We have special interactive methodology of teaching and learning process

Bhushan Gurung, Academic Head, CG Education

Every school provides the basic facilities. However, we are determined to provide the upgraded system and facilities suitable for the present era. Other schools focus just on the academic courses but we have adopted a holistic approach. CG Education offers both courses under the CBSE and Government of Nepal at its colleges such as Campaign Kathmandu, Campaign Academy, Chandbagh and BPH, Birgunj with courses on science, management, humanities, hotel management and computer. We have spacious grounds, libraries, labs, canteens, equipped classrooms and more. Our fee structures are competitive and we also offer scholarships to deserving students.

Our college has all physical facilities

Anil Kaspal, Principal, Modern HS School

We provide additional classes and counseling service to the students. ECA is an additional subject along with major five subjects under the streams of management, law and humanities. We also attempt to teach the students discipline and culture along with scientific skills and knowledge of the 21st century. We have all the physical facilities at our college.

Quality education is our mantra

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BBS offers reality-based skills and specializations

Dasharath Shrestha, Academy Director, NASA College

There are lots of schools at present. But those schools which have focused on quality education along with extra-curricular activities have stood out. Our college students get all kinds of facilities that are needed while perusing their education degrees. We offer different and quality facilities; any student here would tell you. We offer facilities like bus service, computer lab and library among others. Our teachers are of top level as we have made quality education our mantra.

We provide smart class facilities

Prajwal Koirala, Principal, Riviera College

Our college has 21st century facilities of skills class, ECA, transportation, e-library, library, smart-class and research-based teaching and learning environment with a mini research lab. We offer courses on science, management and humanities. We have an average fee structure and we offer three types of scholarships which are based on merit, terminal performance and need.

We offer British way of education from A-levels

Suman Shrestha, Marketing Manager, The British College

The education we provide is on a par with the international standards. Our courses from A-levels itself are taught in the British style and courses are also similar. Likewise, we also provide counseling to students, take them for field observations and offer classes by considering their psychological needs. We have been offering classes in English language since the establishment of our college. Likewise, we have college labs and internship for practical learning.

We have raised self-confidence level of our students

Sudan Dotel, Principal, Liverpool International College

With the combination of top-level teachers, top-level students and top-level education environment, we have been offering high quality and internationally competitive education. We have also managed every infrastructure that is need for the students of management. Library, high-speed Internet, modern computer labs, multimedia, and well-designed classrooms are the specialties of our college. Along with that, we also offer career counseling, spiritual studies seminars, and field visits, among others, that would help the students to be confident.

We are different

Govind Ghimire, Principal, St. Xavier’s College

We have been providing quality education for the past 55 years. From the time of our establishment, we have been keeping up with the expectations of the students as well as parents and we have never compromised on quality, offering all kinds of facilities. We offer lessons based on learning and practicality. Likewise, we also have a hostel, bus service, computer lab and library among other facilities.

Learning through research

Binayak Rana, Program Coordinator, Mid Valley International College

We make our students focus not only on their studies but also on extracurricular activities. Students practically learn through their projects and researches. We make sure to have a strong coordination between teachers and their students because we believe that if the students and teachers are friendly towards each other, the students can perform very well without any problem.

Our students don’t have to stay unemployed

Madhukar Pande, Principal, Mega College

We train our students to become more disciplined and responsible. Our well-facilitated and practical studies have proved to show that students do not have to stay unemployed after completing their education. With our quality teachers, students and educational environment, our students are well qualified to compete at international platforms.

Our students are especially tutored under a professor from University of Chicago

Yubraj Sharma, Principal, Himalayan Whitehouse College

We have recently introduced scholarship programs and given a whole new meaning to laboratories. We teach our students to research through innovator hubs, which is a new program in Nepal. These students are especially tutored under a professor from University of Chicago. We have programs to develop the students’ self confidence such as intensive classes for difficult subjects, mandatory English writing and language classes, carrier counseling, educational seminars, and power point presentation for each subject, regular assignment evaluation, field visits and term papers.


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