As Jennifer Aniston turned 51 on Tuesday, her 'Friends' made sure she got the best birthday wishes on social media. Courteney Cox shared a picture of herself and the birthday girl in which the two looked almost identical. Scores of fans left their comments on the post pointing out that two looked like twins in the picture.
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Cox was seen sporting a blonde wig trying to match Aniston's hair color and style. Besides the hair color, the two were seen wearing similar black colored tops, very natural make-up and similar eyeglasses.
"No matter how hard you might try... there's only one Jennifer Aniston. Happy birthday, my dear friend @jenniferaniston! I love you," Cox captioned the picture and added heart emojis to the post. Aniston took no time to reply to the post with a lot of love and kiss emojis.
New Instagram joinee Matthew Perry also shared a throwback picture with Aniston and wrote, "Happy birthday, Jenny!!!" Ellen DeGeneres also posted a video of a compilation of screen appearances of Aniston and herself.
"Happy birthday, @JenniferAniston. I can't wait for our slumber party tonight. Portia bought Mad Libs," she wrote along with the video. Besides her 'Friends' and DeGeneres, her ex-husband Justin Theroux also extends his birthday wishes to Aniston through his Instagram story. (Agencies)