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Bus ticket booking for Dashain travelers to open from September 17

KATHMANDU, Sept 7: Transporters are opening the ticket booking of long route public vehicles for the upcoming Dashain from September 17.
By Republica

KATHMANDU, Sept 7: Transporters are opening the ticket booking of long route public vehicles for the upcoming Dashain from September 17.

After holding a meeting with the Department of Transport Management, Traffic Police and the Department of Roads on Wednesday, the Federation of Nepalese National Transport Entrepreneurs (FNNTE) fixed the date for the ticket booking. Bijay Bahadur Swar, President of the FNNTE, said they will not increase the transport fares for Dashain travelers.

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Swar said they will be plying additional buses citing an increase in the number of travelers during the period. According to him, passengers can also book the bus tickets via an online system.


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