KATHMANDU, Aug 23: Around 46 central leaders of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) including former Prime Minister Lokendra Bahadur Chand are preparing to launch a signature campaign to force RPP Chairman Pashupati Shamsher Rana for the unification of RPP-N and RPP.
Signature campaign underway at Singha Durbar as opposition alli...
They are set to give a deadline of 15 days to Chairman Rana for the unification. Chand along with the leaders supporting him have claimed that RPP and RPP-N have already agreed in principle for the unification, and therefore, the party unification process should not be delayed any further.
The unification process met a stumbling block after RPP Chairman Rana directed his cadres not to be involved in the unification campaign. Chand along with leaders supporting him such as Buddhiman Tamang, Toren Gurung, Bhuwan Pathak, Jayanta Chand, Rajesh Giri including Dhan Bahadur Buda have been preparing to go to the party office and submit the signatures to pressurize Rana for the unification campaign.