Aiming at making a smart lifestyle through computing solution, Softwarica College is set to organize three-day long IOT exhibition. The exhibition will kick-off from Tuesday at Dillibazar.
Around 80 smart solution models including smart school/college, smart hotel/resort, smart waste management, smart drinking drive test, smart city will be showcased in the exhibition.
Around 194 students of last years’ bachelor degree in computing subject of Softwarica College are participating in the exhibition.
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Meanwhile, the exhibition is also conducting a special workshop for students who yearn to pursue IT in future. Abbey Littler—academic partnership manger of Coventry University will coordinate the workshop.
According to Bigyan Shrestha, Chairperson of college, the main objective of the exhibition is to advocate practical teaching methods for students and also to produce skill man power and educate common people about computing solutions. “The entrance is free of cost and will be useful for lawmaker, student, parents and technophile,” Shrestha added.
Likewise, Manoj Shrestha, lecturer of Softwarica College said that the exhibition will show how technology makes life easier.
Amrit Thapa, Director of the college said, “We are expecting three thousand visitors in the exhibition. All the preparation for the exhibition is completed.”
The exhibition is slated to run till Thursday.