Actor Kriti Sanon will be putting on 15 kilos for her role in Laxman Utekar-directed film ‘Mimi’. Backed by Dinesh Vijan, ‘Mimi’ is based on Samruddhi Porey-directed Marathi feature "Mala Aai Vhaaychya", which won the National Award for best feature film in Marathi in 2011.
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Kriti said the film is close to her heart and she wants to give her best. "For me, putting on so many kilos is actually a challenge as it's very new for my body. I have to in a way fight my metabolism and increase my calorie intake to gain that much weight in a short time.
"But I'm excited to see the transformation. It's a role very close to my heart and I want to give it everything I can, even if that means not taking up any other work in the process," the actor said in a statement.
‘Mimi’ also features actors Sai Tamhankar and Pankaj Tripathi in key roles.