Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has won the best actor lead role (Male) award for his cricket drama ‘83’ at the Filmfare Awards 2022. Actress Kriti Sanon has received the best actor lead role (Female) award for her role in ‘Mimi’.
'Gully Boy' sweeps Filmfare awards winning all major categories
According to reports of Indian media, previously, Ranveer Singh was also given the best actor award for his performance in ‘83’ at The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) 2022. Similarly, Kriti Sanon had won her first best actress award at the 22nd International Indian Film Academy Awards in Abu Dhabi.
Vicky Kaushal, Asees Kaur, B Praak, Vidhya Balan, Vishnuvardhan, Pankaj Tripathi and others have earned the trophies in various categories.