With all the buzz around Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s much-anticipated wedding next week, Bombay Times has it that the actor has booked the banquet hall at his residential complex for seven to eight days. Smaller get-togethers will be held there. Our sources have indicated that the venue has been booked from early next week. Although the banquet hall can house about 40 to 50 people at a time, Ranbir has assured the building committee that he won’t have more than 15 people at a time on any given day. If hearsay at the building is anything to go by, the actor’s bachelor’s party and a few other smaller functions, pre and post the wedding, are likely to be held here.
According to a source, “Ranbir has been asked to ensure that the noise levels are kept low and the place should be kept clean.” As per reports, Ranbir and Alia are set to tie the knot on the night between April 15 and16 at the RK Bungalow in Chembur. The festivities are likely to begin on April 14. The bungalow has a sprawling lawn and is big enough to accommodate friends and family for the wedding.
We hear that the guest list comprises close friends and family members. Ranbir apparently also wants to make sure that the technicians he has worked with over the years are on the guest list as well. Best friend Ayan Mukerji, Karan Johar, Aditya Roy Kapur are bound to be there.