Bollywood actor Tamannaah Bhatia who has been tested positive for COVID-19, gets discharged from the hospital in Hyderabad on Monday. The actor will live in isolation as advised by doctors. Tamannaah issued a statement with the health update on her social media account that she feels better now. The statement reads: “Although my team and I have been very disciplined on set, I unfortunately succumbed to a mild fever last week. After undertaking the mandatory tests, I was diagnosed as COVID- 19 positive. I admitted myself into a private hospital in Hyderabad to mitigate adverse health outcomes and after being under the care of expert medical professionals I am now being discharged. It has been a strenuous week but I feel relatively well. I am optimistic that I will recover fully from this health peril which is distressing so many people around the world. For the present, I will be self isolating as advised. A big virtual hug to everyone for their love, concern and positivity. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay well.”
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Tamannaah Bhatia was in Hyderabad shooting for a project when she showed symptoms. In August, her parents had tested positive for the novel coronavirus. She had informed fans of the development with a tweet posted on August 26. “My parents were showing mild COVID 19 symptoms over the weekend and as a precautionary measure everyone at home underwent test immediately. The results have come in, unfortunately, my parents have tested positive. The necessary authorities have been updated of their situation and we are complying with the precautionary guidelines. The rest of the family members, including myself and the staff have tested negative. By the Grace of God they are coping well and all your prayers and blessings will put them on the road to recovery,” she had written.
Meanwhile, Tamannaah Bhatia has been part of films such as Entertainment, Himmatwala, Humshakals, Baahubali: The Beginning, Baahubali: The Conclusion. She is waiting to resume the shoot of her upcoming Telugu film, Seetimaarr. It’s a sports action-drama featuring Gopichand in the lead role. She is also waiting for the release of her Hindi film, Bole Chudiyan.