I woke up so excitedly that I scurried off to breakfast, packed my bag and headed to school. Bursting thoughts about the gala took over the usual recess buzz as I talked to my friends about it. Some reckoned it to be hard, while others easy, but I assured them that it would be ok. I really wanted to win, to make my mom proud because I had not gotten a medal even once, unlike my sister. I started dreaming about it. Some of my classmate assumed that I would either be 2nd or 3rd.It was almost time for swimming and I suddenly felt a nervous jolt in my stomach. It felt strange. I was scared but I was determined to stay brave and confident. I was so happy. I touched my heart. It was beating fast.
I changed my swimming gears. It was time to focus on swimming now. It was my turn. I did my 100%. I competed in three categories – freestyle, backstroke and brace stroke (frog style). Freestyle and backstroke were easy for me but I struggled a bit in brace stroke. Though the technique was new for me, I did not give up. I pushed myself harder and was able to win. I got gold for two categories and got one silver. Even if I was not able to win all the categories, I still tried my best and I am proud of myself. HOORAY!
Swiss Muslim girls must take swimming classes with boys: Europe...

By Shubhangi Neupane
Grade: 3B