Successful businessmen/women share their business mantras
Do businessmen have the superhuman ability to think ten years ahead of us? Or do they just get lucky in their quests? Most of us have big ideas and great entrepreneurial plans in our heads, and often on paper too but very few of us are able to execute those plans. To understand the key to successful business ideas and find ways to gather the courage to implement them The Week brings to you words of wisdom from the unbeaten figures in the business industry.
Nikita Acharya
CEO/ co-founder, Urban Girl
We began with the intension to bring about a revolution in the e-commerce industry of Nepal. Most of us in Nepal did not know what e-commerce was as there was no e-market here. In the initial phases of our business, there were various hurdles such as the blockade of 2015 that almost made us quit. Yet, our determination towards making our enterprise flourish kept us going. We all have numerous ideas in our heads but an entrepreneur must always find ways to implement those ideas. Never hesitate to execute your plan and take the first step towards your dream. You might not reach your goal immediately or with ease either, but you will at least be one step closer to what you want to achieve. If you are in the business industry, it is important to take suggestions from your customers and continually try to improve yourself.
Sanjay Golchha
Director, Golchha Organization
For me, doing business means having the freedom to think out of the box, which is why I truly believe that business cannot have any rules. If a person wants to become an entrepreneur, creativity is extremely essential. You cannot become a successful entrepreneur if only your commodity is innovative. A businessperson has to be inventive in every aspect only then will you have a flourishing empire in front of you. Every invention needs to be implemented and executed. So, I’d say, to become successful in this field, first you must have the courage to take the risk and then, if you fail, you must be prepared to start from scratch, over and over again till you finally make it.
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Smriti Tuladhar
founder, Bitter Sweet Confectionery
People often fear chasing their dreams. Most of us mislead our own self in believing that the aspirations we have are futile and unachievable. I believe the only way to accomplish something is by removing the mental barrier that we create for ourselves. I believe that the younger you are the better it is for you to start your own business because this will give you ample time to learn, experience things, and change accordingly. However, hard work and homework are two mantras that have to be kept in mind. There is a famous quote that states, “Entrepreneurs are the ones who jump off the cliff and build a plane on the way.” I do not believe in the quote as it is imperative for every entrepreneur to do enough homework before you take a plunge into the vast world of business. If you do not have a parachute ready with you after you jump, you will surely fail to succeed in your venture.
Manohar Adhikari
CEO, Foodmandu
When I started my e-commerce venture, I was under the assumption that success is going to come very easily and quickly. But I was wrong, and patience was an important factor that has, over the years, helped me sustain my business. I believe business can only flourish if you not only think of your own profit but the welfare of your target group as well. My vision for starting Foodmandu was making the availability of food easier during lunch hours for office goers. Finding the food of your choice during lunchtime was a big problem for most of us in Kathmandu and to bring out a solution for that problem, I began working on my own venture. If a person wants to succeed in a business, just having a good idea is definitely not enough. You must make sure that your idea is feasible and that your business model can be worked out in the community you live in. Your business must have a solid worth. There must be a need for it. The best thing to do would be to find a gap in the service section and aim to bridge it. That’s what I did.
Prasanna Basnet
co-owner, Cotton Mill Nepal
The day we started our business we had no business plan and no set goals. We did not know where we wanted to reach with our venture. The only thing we knew was that this industry was our passion and we could give our best to make this business work. The most essential elements of a good business are focus and hard work. For me, success is not reaching a particular point in life where you have a lot of money, fame, and recognition. Success, for me, is doing what I like doing. The only accomplishment that a person must aim for is happiness. Everything else is arbitrary. And when you strive for happiness, while believing in the work you do and being passionate about it, you will definitely taste success along the way.
Gagan Pradhan
founder, Himalayan Java
I’m passionate about my work and, in business, being passionate about what you do is the key to being successful. You cannot start something you don’t believe in and expect it to do well. Also, most of us spend our entire lives waiting for the right time to do something we are really very keen to do. I believe we must learn to cease the moment, as there will never be a perfect time. Following your passion is the only way to expand your creativity and be able to provide a service of value and worth. The best part about chasing your dreams is even if you do not end up being very successful you will at least be satisfied that you tried and didn’t just let life pass you by. You won’t be left with regrets if you at least try. And you might succeed if you put in your best. Also, your work is like a piece of art that you must create with great care and love. And when you display this work of art that you have made with such attention to detail, people are sure to notice.
Suraj Shrestha
CEO/ founder, Anthropose
For me, a business can only work if all my coworkers are equally involved in the venture. My work cannot be successful if everyone does not enjoy their job. Hence, I’m determined to make sure that each employee is treated well and puts in his/her personal best. You are only as good as your team and that’s the only way you can be successful in business. I also make sure that everyone works as a team and helps one another like they would in a family. To sustain a business, you have to create a work friendly environment for your employees. They are your assets. I also believe in giving them incentives to perform better and encourage them in every creative endeavor they want to pursue. Their personal success ultimately leads to my company's success.
Aashish Adhikari
founder, Red Mud Coffee
One must always have a long-term business plan and think of ten years ahead before initiating an enterprise. I was disheartened by the percentage of youths going abroad just in search of employment. Hence my aim was to create about 200 employments in the country by 2010. I began with two employees and now have 75 employees in total. I guess now we are not very far from reaching our goal. A successful entrepreneur should be extremely comfortable in taking risks. Dream big and dream for a long time and no one can stop you from reaching your peak.
Tasneem Shahani
owner-operator, Tasneem’s Kings Kitchen
The reason I am doing well with my restaurant today is because I put in lots of love in the cooking. Money making was not the only motive behind this endeavor. I established my own restaurant because cooking was my passion. It gives me immense satisfaction when I see smiling faces after people have had a good meal. When you start a business you have to be ready to devote all twenty four hours in a day to that. And that devotion is only possible if you love what you do. A person should always dream big but should also know how to start from ground zero. If you want to open a restaurant, your base has to be strong. You should know how to clean the tables, sweep the floor, and wash the utensils too. Only when your base is strong will you be able to value every person’s work and your business will definitely flourish that way.