To all those stereotypes
Are your eyes that small?
Your mind that narrow?
And your thinking that confined?
Pink and daisies equals a girl,
While Blue and truck a guy?
Marriage is defined by caste,
And personality by face?
Intelligence by grades,
Harassments by bruises,
Future by wealth,
And present by past?
A man must work
Women must cook.
Rape is a matter of hush-hush
And short skirts and tank tops are forbidden
Because they apparently show
Too much of the skin you’ve never seen
It is a sin to be menstruating?
And so is it to differ from the ideal body type?
Gay marriage is unacceptable,
And LGBT is illegal?
Sucker Punching the Stereotypes

Why, I ask?
You tell me that it’s to maintain the society’s prestige
I’m looking all around
And the only dent I find in our society is you.
Yes, you and all your unnecessary voices.
Freedom of speech is for justice and expression
Not your free declaration about a stranger’s life.
Wake up; you’re not in nineteen eighty Four
Let me give you an advice
Grow your mind and soul
So when something bothers you
A successful woman or two,
A guy dressed in pink and a girl in blue,
Roll your eyes, role them on
Perhaps it’ll get stuck
And you can see the world with a better view.