BARDIA, Nov 10: Area Police Office, Mainapokhar, on Sunday rescued two women while they were being trafficked to India through the open border. The police arrested Prakash Tiruwa of Banke who was taking the women to Mihinpurwa of India.
Based on the preliminary statements made by the middlemen, police are determined to nab other human traffickers of the network. It has been found that one of the women was from Gulmi while the other was from Nawalparasi. Two months ago, three girls of Gorkha were rescued by police with the help of an organization named Sana Hath Haru. Reportedly, the girls were from the rural parts of the district and were around 15 to 17 years old. The traffickers were transporting the girls to India by promising them jobs.
In recent years, human trafficking along the border has become rampant. With this, police and security personnel have started tightening security which has reduced human trafficking to some extent.
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In the last three years, 13 men and four women have been convicted of human trafficking while six more are at large, according to the District Police Office, Bardia. As many as 28 women have been rescued from the border area in this period. In fiscal year 2017/18, police have arrested nine traffickers.
Police Inspector Devendra Malla claims that the network of traffickers has been broken after security was beefed up at the border. Earlier, nine women were rescued from Parnisanoshree.