KATHMANDU: Amid a special event, the trailer of upcoming Nepali romantic-action drama ‘Prem Geet 2’ was launched on Monday. The trailer is about two minutes long.
The cast and crew of the film, including lead actors Pradeep Khadka and Ashlesha Thakuri, were also present at the event to address queries.
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Speaking at the event, Khadka said, “The first film was about sacrifice. Prem Geet 2 shows that sacrifice is not enough.”
“Everyone is eager to hear feedback from viewers,” Thakuri expressed her excitement.
Producer Santosh Sen, who also debuts in the film, expressed confidence that the film would be a sure hit.
“Director Ram Sharan Pathak has shot the film in Nepal, Thailand and Myanmar and characters are all relatable,” Sen added.
The film will be released on July 28.