Actor Abhishek Bachchan has shared a health update after suffering a 'freak accident on the sets of his film in Chennai. He said that he had to undergo a surgery and has now resumed work.
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Abhishek shared a picture on Instagram, where he is seen wearing a cast and is giving a thumbs up as he poses for the camera. The actor, who is the son of megastar Amitabh Bachchan, is dressed up in a blue sweatshirt and jeans.
Alongside the image, he wrote: "Had a freak accident in Chennai on the set of my new film last Wednesday. Fractured my right hand. Needed surgery to fix it! So a quick trip back home to Mumbai. Surgery done, all patched-up and casted."
The 45-year-old actor quoted his father's iconic line 'Mard ko dard nahi hota (men don't feel pain)' and then said that the injury did hurt him a little.
"And now back in Chennai to resume work. As they say... The show must go on! And as my father said... Mard ko dard nahin hota! Ok, ok, ok it hurt a little. Thank you all for your wishes and get-well-soon messages," Abhishek said.
On the work front, Abhishek has crime thriller 'Bob Biswas' and 'Dasvi' lined up.