The actor director duo, Dayahang Rai and Dipendra Lama is all set for their new movie ‘2 Numbari’. A press meet on Monday in Kathmandu was organized to announce the making of the movie.
It was informed that the story revolves around the friendship between two friends. Besides Rai, it is featuring prominent actors like Paul Shah, Barsha Raut, Buddhi Tamang.
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Lama who already has directed critically-acclaimed movies like ‘Gopi’, ‘Chha Maya Chappakai’, has penned the movie. According to him, the movie will raise the issue of a scheme. He added that the shooting of the film will take place from February 8.
Likewise, Dayahang Rai said that he reunited with Lama for the movie due to its decent script. Another actor Paul Shah expected to learn new things from this movie. “I decided to work on this movie due to good script and film production. Barsha Raut said that the audience would love her character.
The movie is being made under the banner Red Bird Production and RR Film Production. It is slated to hit the theaters on the occasion of Janai Purnima.