KATHMANDU, Nov 30: Bharatpur Metropolis has decided to remove all illegally-constructed structures in the metropolis area. The metropolis has issued a 35-day notice and requested all concerned to remove the illegal structures on their own.
In the notice issued by the metropolis on Tuesday, it is stated that if the owners of such structures do not remove them within the specified time, the metropolis would remove them.
Bharatpur metropolis issues 35-day notice to remove unauthorize...
It is mentioned in the notice that the expenses incurred in removing the structures will be recovered from the person or organization concerned. The noticed mentions the removal of buildings, towers and structures built on public land without approval by the metropolis and towers, walls and other structures built in violation of road jurisdiction, trusses constructed in front of buildings without approval, temporary scaffolds, temporary towers and other structures, blocking the way of vehicles from the footpath, basements that are being used for other purposes: shops, warehouses, renters, etc., after accepting the basement parking on the map.