RAUTAHAT, Feb 5: The brick industries of Sarlahi and Rautahat have faced huge losses due to the incessant rainfall since Wednesday night. Brick kiln owners have estimated a loss of over Rs 600 million in the two districts due to the rainfall.
According to Sarlahi Brick Entrepreneurs Association Secretary, Bhagwan Mainali, Sarlahi has suffered damages of over 90 million raw bricks worth Rs 270 million due to the rain. There are 100 brick kilns in Sarlahi alone.
Rainfall damages bricks worth Rs 90 million in Bhaktapur

Similarly, there are 162 brick kilns in Rautahat. All of them have suffered losses due to the rain. According to Chairman of Rautahat Brick Entrepreneurs Association, Binod Jaysawal, as many as 150 million raw bricks worth Rs 400 million were damaged by the rain in the district alone.
The brick industry has been suffering huge losses every year. Although the government collects huge amounts of taxes from the brick industry it has not developed a proper insurance system for the brick industry. Even a slight drizzle can cause the brick to have spots which decrease its price in the market. Brick entrepreneurs argue that the raw bricks have completely melted due to the rain and that many industrialists have left the industry due to such losses.