Clean your blender quickly
After making a smoothie or using your blender to chop up the garlic, you can quickly clean it by pouring in warm water and a tiny bit of dish soap. Top the blender with the lid and turn it on and now it’s all clean.
Get rid of bad breathe problem with homemade mouthwash

Peeling garlic
Microwave garlic for 20 seconds and the peel will slide right off. It’s so much quicker than shaking them in a bowl or peeling them by hand.
Clean your microwave
It seems way too easy to get food to explode in a microwave which leads to messes that eventually need to be cleaned. Make it easy by putting a wet sponge inside your microwave and then spraying the inside with a mixture of water and essential oils. Microwave the sponge for two minutes, let it cool and then use it to wipe up the leftover mess.
Not sure if your eggs are still good
Are you not sure if your eggs are still good or bad? Put the eggs in a glass of water. If the egg is still good it will sink. If the egg is bad it will float. You can now throw the egg that floats on water.