Filmmaker Sanjay Gupta on Tuesday announced that his production banner White Feather Films has acquired the rights of graphic novel ‘Rakshak’ and he will be directing the movie. Gupta took to Twitter to share the details about the project which revolves around a "vigilante" superhero.
John Abraham and Emraan Hashmi to have a face-off for this film
"So proud and happy to announce that my company White Feather Films has acquired the rights for 'RAKSHAK'. A thrilling graphic novel about a vigilante superhero.
"This is India's first graphic novel to be made into a massive and ambitious feature film to be directed by me," the director wrote alongside the covers of the four issues to the comics.
Gupta is currently working on gangster drama ‘Mumbai Saga’, which stars John Abraham, Emraan Hashmi, Jackie Shroff, Suniel Shetty, Amol Gupte, Prateik Babbar, Gulshan Grover and Rohit Roy.
The film will hit the theatres on June 19, 2020.