KATHMANDU, July 30: Hamro Samman Project under United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has joined hand with its development partners and private sectors to counter trafficking in persons in Nepal.
Marking the World Day Against Trafficking against persons on Monday, the USAID has signed four memoranda of understanding (MoU) with the Chaudhary Group, the Alliance Against Trafficking of Women in Nepal (AATWIN), the National Network for Safer Migration (NNSM), and the National Business Initiative (NBI).
Fugitive human-trafficking-accused held after 16 yrs

Issuing a press statement after the program, the USAID has stated that the newly-formed is extremely important to promote local ownership and sustain the wins the country has made so far in countering human trafficking.
Applauding Nepal’s steady progress in combating human trafficking, USAID Nepal Mission Director Peter A. Malnak said that the U.S. Government has worked closely with the Government of Nepal to effectively reduce trafficking in persons and labor exploitation in Nepal and abroad.
The event honored U.S. State Department 2018 Trafficking in Person Hero, Sunita Danuwar, for her demonstrated and unwavering commitment to counter human trafficking in Nepal and ensure access to services for survivors.
To support Nepal’s efforts to counter TIP, USAID has invested more than $20 million in programs that counter human trafficking. USAID’s Hamro Samman Project builds upon nearly two decades of USAID support to Nepal to counter human trafficking and strengthen the rule of law to prosecute offenders, the statement says.