PARSA, Aug 4: Thirty-four persons including two health workers tested positive for coronavirus in Parsa district on Tuesday.
The new cases of coronavirus were detected during PCR tests conducted at the Narayani Hospital. Those who were diagnosed with coronavirus are between the ages of 14 and 56, according to Madan Kumar Upadhyay, medical superintendent of the hospital. Of them, four are females and 30 are males.
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Of the two health workers, one is a 28-year-old nurse who works at the National Medical College, Birgunj. She is from Surkhet. Likewise, the other health worker is a 34-year-old and works at the Narayani Bayodha Hospital in Birgunj. He is a local resident of Birgunj-11, Ranighat.
Three Nepal Army personnel also tested positive for COVID-19. They are aged between 28 and 32.
A journalist from Parsa has also contracted the virus. An inmate at the ward police office at Birta also tested positive for the virus.