On Wednesday, a case was filed against folk singer Badri Pangeni and his business partners Bijaya Singh and Suwash Adhikari at the District Administration Office, Kathmandu. They were charged for not paying Rs 5,500,000 for the furniture and other goods taken from Neema Dorje Sherpa’s showroom—Shristi Furniture— and also for threatening to take his life.
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Sherpa stated that Pangeni and his team used different furniture for Nirmaya Dohori Sanjh situated at Kamaladi. And Sherpa filed the case when Pangeni and his partners, refused to pay the cost for the goods and threatening to take his life.
In defense of the charge, Badri Pangini said, “I have never threatened anyone and if I am found guilty of this charge, I am ready to face the aftermath. This is done for defaming me as I had left the business three years ago.”